# File: h_info.txt # This file is used to initialize the "lib/data/h_info.raw" file, which is # used to initialize the "player history" information for the Angband game. # Do not modify this file unless you know exactly what you are doing, # unless you wish to risk possible system crashes and broken savefiles. # After modifying this file, delete the "lib/data/h_info.raw" file. # Background information (see below) # Chart progression by race: # Human/Dunadan --> 1 --> 2 --> 3 --> 50 --> 51 --> 52 --> 53 # Half-Elf --> 4 --> 1 --> 2 --> 3 --> 50 --> 51 --> 52 --> 53 # Elf/High-Elf --> 7 --> 8 --> 9 --> 54 --> 55 --> 56 # Hobbit --> 10 --> 11 --> 3 --> 50 --> 51 --> 52 --> 53 # Gnome --> 13 --> 14 --> 3 --> 50 --> 51 --> 52 --> 53 # Dwarf --> 16 --> 17 --> 18 --> 57 --> 58 --> 59 --> 60 --> 61 # Half-Orc --> 19 --> 20 --> 2 --> 3 --> 50 --> 51 --> 52 --> 53 # Half-Troll --> 22 --> 23 --> 62 --> 63 --> 64 --> 65 --> 66 # Kobold --> 24 --> 25 --> 26 --> 27 --> 28 --> 29 --> 30 # Maia --> 31 --> 32 --> 67 --> 68 # Ent --> 33 --> 34 --> 74 --> 75 --> 76 # Wraith --> 81 --> 82 --> 83 --> 84 --> 85 # XXX XXX XXX This table *must* be correct or drastic errors may occur! # Note that the "spacing" in the "description" lines is very important! # Version stamp (required) V:2.9.2 N:1:2:10:25 D:You are the illegitimate and unacknowledged child N:1:2:20:35 D:You are the illegitimate but acknowledged child N:1:2:95:45 D:You are one of several children N:1:2:100:50 D:You are the first child N:2:3:40:65 D:of a Serf. N:2:3:65:80 D:of a Yeoman. N:2:3:80:90 D:of a Townsman. N:2:3:90:105 D:of a Guildsman. N:2:3:96:120 D:of a Landed Knight. N:2:3:99:130 D:of a Titled Noble. N:2:3:100:140 D:of a Royal Blood Line. N:3:50:20:20 D:You are the black sheep of the family. N:3:50:80:55 D:You are a credit to the family. N:3:50:100:60 D:You are a well liked child. N:4:1:40:50 D:Your mother was of the Teleri. N:4:1:75:55 D:Your father was of the Teleri. N:4:1:90:55 D:Your mother was of the Noldor. N:4:1:95:60 D:Your father was of the Noldor. N:4:1:98:65 D:Your mother was of the Vanyar. N:4:1:100:70 D:Your father was of the Vanyar. N:7:8:60:50 D:You are one of several children N:7:8:100:55 D:You are the only child N:8:9:75:50 D:of a Teleri N:8:9:95:55 D:of a Noldor N:8:9:100:60 D:of a Vanyar N:9:54:40:80 D:Ranger. N:9:54:70:90 D:Archer. N:9:54:87:110 D:Warrior. N:9:54:95:125 D:Mage. N:9:54:99:140 D:Prince. N:9:54:100:145 D:King. N:10:11:85:45 D:You are one of several children of a Hobbit N:10:11:100:55 D:You are the only child of a Hobbit N:11:3:20:55 D:Bum. N:11:3:30:80 D:Tavern Owner. N:11:3:40:90 D:Miller. N:11:3:50:100 D:Home Owner. N:11:3:80:110 D:Burglar. N:11:3:95:115 D:Warrior. N:11:3:99:125 D:Mage. N:11:3:100:140 D:Clan Elder. N:13:14:85:45 D:You are one of several children of a Gnome N:13:14:100:55 D:You are the only child of a Gnome N:14:3:20:55 D:Beggar. N:14:3:50:70 D:Braggart. N:14:3:75:85 D:Prankster. N:14:3:95:100 D:Warrior. N:14:3:100:125 D:Mage. N:16:17:25:40 D:You are one of two children of a Dwarven N:16:17:100:50 D:You are the only child of a Dwarven N:17:18:10:60 D:Thief. N:17:18:25:75 D:Prison Guard. N:17:18:75:90 D:Miner. N:17:18:90:110 D:Warrior. N:17:18:99:130 D:Priest. N:17:18:100:150 D:King. N:18:57:15:10 D:You are the black sheep of the family. N:18:57:85:50 D:You are a credit to the family. N:18:57:100:55 D:You are a well liked child. N:19:20:25:25 D:Your mother was an Orc, but it is unacknowledged. N:19:20:100:25 D:Your father was an Orc, but it is unacknowledged. N:20:2:100:50 D:You are the adopted child N:22:23:30:20 D:Your mother was a Cave-Troll N:22:23:60:25 D:Your father was a Cave-Troll N:22:23:75:30 D:Your mother was a Hill-Troll N:22:23:90:35 D:Your father was a Hill-Troll N:22:23:95:40 D:Your mother was a Water-Troll N:22:23:100:45 D:Your father was a Water-Troll N:23:62:5:60 D:Cook. N:23:62:95:55 D:Warrior. N:23:62:99:65 D:Shaman. N:23:62:100:80 D:Clan Chief. N:24:25:25:40 D:You are the runt of N:24:25:80:50 D:You come from N:24:25:100:55 D:You are the largest of N:25:26:15:45 D:a litter of 3 pups. N:25:26:40:45 D:a litter of 4 pups. N:25:26:70:50 D:a litter of 5 pups. N:25:26:85:50 D:a litter of 6 pups. N:25:26:95:55 D:a litter of 7 pups. N:25:26:100:55 D:a litter of 8 pups. N:26:27:10:40 D:Your father was a fungus farmer, N:26:27:45:45 D:Your father was a hunter, N:26:27:70:50 D:Your father was a warrior, N:26:27:90:55 D:Your father was a shaman, N:26:27:100:60 D:Your father was the Chief of his tribe, N:27:28:20:45 D:and your mother was a prisoner of war. N:27:28:30:45 D:and your mother was a prisoner of war. N:27:28:95:50 D:and your mother was a cook. N:27:28:100:55 D:and your mother was a member of the Chief's harem. N:28:29:10:50 D:You have black eyes, N:28:29:40:50 D:You have dark brown eyes, N:28:29:80:50 D:You have brown eyes, N:28:29:99:50 D:You have light brown eyes, N:28:29:100:55 D:You have glowing red eyes, N:29:30:30:50 D:dark brown skin, N:29:30:60:50 D:dark grey skin, N:29:30:95:50 D:olive green skin, N:29:30:100:55 D:deep blue skin, N:30:0:10:45 D:and large, flat teeth. N:30:0:90:50 D:and small, sharp teeth. N:30:0:100:55 D:and large, sharp teeth. N:31:32:10:20 D:You are a unnoticed minion of N:31:32:25:30 D:You are a minor servant of N:31:32:45:40 D:You are a subject of N:31:32:65:50 D:You have attached yourself to N:31:32:85:65 D:You are associated with N:31:32:95:80 D:You are a notable follower of N:31:32:100:100 D:You are a celebrated assistant to N:32:67:20:55 D:Nessa. N:32:67:40:60 D:Vana. N:32:67:50:65 D:Tulkas. N:32:67:80:75 D:Mandos. N:32:67:90:80 D:Nienna. N:32:67:95:90 D:Varda. N:32:67:100:95 D:Manwe. N:33:34:25:40 D:You are the lost offspring of N:33:34:50:50 D:You are the wandering offspring of N:33:34:75:60 D:You are the only offspring of N:33:34:100:70 D:You are the beloved offspring of N:34:74:10:35 D:an Ent whose name you have no recollection of. N:34:74:35:50 D:a solitary Ent. N:34:74:55:60 D:a member of a farflung Entish band. N:34:74:70:70 D:a leader of a prosperous community of Ents. N:34:74:81:80 D:an Entish Forestwarden. N:34:74:91:90 D:a respected Entish sage. N:34:74:96:100 D:an Entwife whose memory men cherish. N:34:74:100:110 D:Fangorn himself. N:50:51:20:50 D:You have dark brown eyes, N:50:51:60:50 D:You have brown eyes, N:50:51:70:50 D:You have hazel eyes, N:50:51:80:50 D:You have green eyes, N:50:51:90:50 D:You have blue eyes, N:50:51:100:50 D:You have blue-gray eyes, N:51:52:70:50 D:straight N:51:52:90:50 D:wavy N:51:52:100:50 D:curly N:52:53:30:50 D:black hair, N:52:53:70:50 D:brown hair, N:52:53:80:50 D:auburn hair, N:52:53:90:50 D:red hair, N:52:53:100:50 D:blond hair, N:53:0:10:50 D:and a very dark complexion. N:53:0:30:50 D:and a dark complexion. N:53:0:80:50 D:and an average complexion. N:53:0:90:50 D:and a fair complexion. N:53:0:100:50 D:and a very fair complexion. N:54:55:85:50 D:You have light grey eyes, N:54:55:95:50 D:You have light blue eyes, N:54:55:100:50 D:You have light green eyes, N:55:56:75:50 D:straight N:55:56:100:50 D:wavy N:56:0:75:50 D:black hair, and a fair complexion. N:56:0:85:50 D:brown hair, and a fair complexion. N:56:0:95:50 D:blond hair, and a fair complexion. N:56:0:100:50 D:silver hair, and a fair complexion. N:57:58:99:50 D:You have dark brown eyes, N:57:58:100:60 D:You have glowing red eyes, N:58:59:90:50 D:straight N:58:59:100:50 D:wavy N:59:60:75:50 D:black hair, N:59:60:100:50 D:brown hair, N:60:61:25:50 D:a one foot beard, N:60:61:60:51 D:a two foot beard, N:60:61:90:53 D:a three foot beard, N:60:61:100:55 D:a four foot beard, N:61:0:100:50 D:and a dark complexion. N:62:63:60:50 D:You have slime green eyes, N:62:63:85:50 D:You have puke yellow eyes, N:62:63:99:50 D:You have blue-bloodshot eyes, N:62:63:100:55 D:You have glowing red eyes, N:63:64:33:50 D:dirty N:63:64:66:50 D:mangy N:63:64:100:50 D:oily N:64:65:33:50 D:sea-weed green hair, N:64:65:66:50 D:bright red hair, N:64:65:100:50 D:dark purple hair, N:65:66:25:50 D:and green N:65:66:50:50 D:and blue N:65:66:75:50 D:and white N:65:66:100:50 D:and black N:66:0:33:50 D:ulcerous skin. N:66:0:66:50 D:scabby skin. N:66:0:100:50 D:leprous skin. N:67:68:100:50 D:In the past, you dwelt on earth in the form of N:68:0:25:50 D:various animals. N:68:0:55:55 D:a spirit of forest and river. N:68:0:70:60 D:a beneficent but unseen force. N:68:0:96:70 D:a wise and ancient counselor. N:68:0:100:80 D:a Wizard of legend. N:74:75:100:50 D:You have N:75:76:5:50 D:three fingers and toes, and are covered in N:75:76:20:50 D:four fingers and toes, and are covered in N:75:76:40:50 D:five fingers and toes, and are covered in N:75:76:60:50 D:six fingers and toes, and are covered in N:75:76:80:50 D:seven fingers and toes, and are covered in N:75:76:95:50 D:eight fingers and toes, and are covered in N:75:76:100:50 D:nine fingers and toes, and are covered in N:76:0:10:50 D:scaly brown skin. N:76:0:20:50 D:rough brown skin. N:76:0:30:50 D:smooth grey skin. N:76:0:40:50 D:dark green skin. N:76:0:50:50 D:mossy skin. N:76:0:60:50 D:deep brown skin. N:76:0:70:50 D:pale brown, flaky skin. N:76:0:80:50 D:rich chocolate-colored skin. N:76:0:90:50 D:ridged black skin. N:76:0:100:50 D:thick, almost corky skin. N:80:81:20:50 D:You arose from an unmarked grave. N:80:81:40:50 D:In life you were a simple peasant. N:80:81:60:50 D:In life you were a merchant. N:80:81:80:50 D:In life you were a Necromancer. N:80:81:95:50 D:In life you were an influential noble. N:80:81:100:50 D:In life you were a powerful and cruel tyrant. N:81:82:100:50 D:You have N:82:83:25:50 D:jet-black hair, N:82:83:50:50 D:matted brown hair, N:82:83:75:50 D:white hair, N:82:83:100:50 D:a hairless head, N:83:84:25:50 D:eyes like red coals, N:83:84:50:50 D:blank white eyes, N:83:84:75:50 D:feral yellow eyes, N:83:84:100:50 D:bloodshot red eyes, N:84:85:100:50 D:and a deathly gray complexion. N:85:0:25:50 D:An eerie green aura surrounds you. N:85:0:50:50 D:An pale white aura surrounds you. N:85:0:75:50 D:An unearthly light surrounds you. N:85:0:100:50 D:An aura of menace surrounds you.